Stay Informed with Gahanna Scanning
At Gahanna Scanning, our highly trained and dedicated group members listen to public safety radios and share any activity they hear with the community. Volunteers come from all different backgrounds, including Public Safety, Weather, and Communications.
Stay ahead of the game and be in the know with Gahanna Scanning.
Gahanna Scanning Services
Get real-time updates on police and fire incidents, weather, and traffic in the Gahanna Ohio area.
Police and Fire Incidents
Weather Updates
Traffic Updates
Community Events
Stay Informed with Gahanna Scanning
Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to commonly asked questions about Gahanna Scanning and how our community operates.
How do I join the group and contribute to the sharing of information?
At the moment we are not accepting new volunteers. Keep checking back!
What types of incidents are shared in the group?
We primarily share police and fire incidents, weather updates from the National Weather Service, and traffic updates from the Ohio Department of Transportation via OHGO. However, we also share other important information as needed to keep our community informed and safe.